Grading System
The following system is used throughout the program, unless otherwise specified in
the course syllabus:
90 – 100 A Honors
80 – 89 B Superior
69 – 79 C Pass
Below – 69 F Failure
Make-Up Tests
Students with excused absences are given one opportunity, at the discretion of the
instructor, to make up missed tests. If the student does not avail him or herself of this opportunity, no credit is issued for the missed examination.
Graduation Requirements
To successfully complete the program, the candidate must: achieve at least a Pass
in all required courses, maintain satisfactory attendance and conduct, and be current on all tuition and fees. No student will be permitted to graduate unless outstanding
tuition and fees are paid in full. Those who fall below these standards must submit to a reevaluation process, and may be required to make up class hours, or repeat failed courses. The student must pay current charges and tuition for all makeup work taken.
Attendance and Tardiness Policy
Attendance and punctuality for all classes will be required and strictly enforced by
this institution. Excessive tardiness and absence may require that the student meet
with the appropriate Dean, and may result in the student being placed on probation.
GLCHS recognizes that certain situations of lateness or absence are unavoidable and therefore ten percent (10) absence will be permitted without penalty. To avoid
penalty for absence or tardiness exceeding these limits, the student must do any of
the following:
Make arrangement with the instructor(s) prior to the class(es) in question, if possible.
Prove, with written documentation if requested, that the absence(s) or late(s) were
unavoidable. The school reserves the right to determine the definition of
“unavoidable” in these cases.
Anyone exceeding the permissible amount of absence or tardiness stated herein will be placed on disciplinary probation. Violations occurring while under probation may result in suspension or dismissal from the program.
Students not making satisfactory progress in their courses may be placed on
academic probation. Probation also applies in cases of excessive absence, or
disciplinary problems (disciplinary probation). Students who fail courses will be
required to repeat those courses successfully before receiving their degree.
Student Conduct
As prospective health professionals, students are expected to maintain a high
standard of conduct.
Add / Drop Policy
GLCHS professional program is an integrated curriculum, and therefore designed for
students to complete all coursework in the established time frame. Students who
need to reduce their course work load must petition the Dean of the College to
remain enrolled with a lighter course load. All coursework dropped must
subsequently be completed prior to graduation.
Elective coursework may be added to the core curriculum by successfully
completing required prerequisites of the elective course.
Leave of Absence
Regular student or degree candidate status can continue for a period of no more than one year in the event of a leave of absence.
Withdrawal from individual courses is permitted with permission from the instructor and College. A grade of “W” is issued for approved withdrawal. The course
requirements must be completed during the next academic term to avoid failure.
Unapproved course withdrawal will result in a failing grade.
Reinstatement to the program from leave of absence is automatic so long as all
required prerequisites for re-entry have been fulfilled.
Reinstatement from full withdrawal status may require re-application and re-registration for the program.
Matriculation from one academic term to the next is automatic upon successful
completion of all courses. Matriculation may be withheld due to failing grades,
probation, and/or non-payment of tuition and fees.
Incomplete Coursework
When a grade of Incomplete is issued, the student has until the end of the next
academic term to complete the coursework. The student is responsible for meeting
with the instructor who issued the Incomplete grade, or the appropriate Academic
Dean, to arrange for completion of the course work. Courses left Incomplete, beyond the next academic term, automatically become a Failure.
Failed Coursework
Students who receive failing grades in any core courses must re-take the courses
to graduate. The student must arrange for re-enrollment in the failed courses
with the Registrar. Re-enrollment in courses is dependent on availability and
scheduling, and requires payment of tuition for the course. Excessive failures may
result in dismissal from the program.
Transfer Credit
Transfer credits from accredited institutions may be accepted if the course content is determined to be substantially similar to courses offered at OCMA. Each course is
reviewed on an individual basis by department faculty. Transfer credit is currently
not acceptable from unaccredited institutions.
Advanced Standing
Advanced standing may be granted to students who possess graduate or terminal
degrees in areas of study substantially related to the program offered herein. For
example, graduates of medical schools may qualify for advanced standing. In no
instance can a student be granted advanced standing and fulfill the requirements for
graduation from the program without attending for a minimum of four (4) terms.
Credit by Examination
In selected instances, at the College’s discretion, credit by examination may be
granted for pre-professional or prerequisite courses, or for matriculation in the
event of failed coursework. Pre-professional laboratory courses cannot be
credited by examination. Qualification for placement in Advanced Standing may
require credit by examination for prerequisite courses. Matriculation within the
program may require credit by examination in instances where a student fails a
course requirement for progression to a subsequent course. In all instances, credit by examination requires payment of fees appropriate for the credits attempted prior to issuance of the examination.